Shifting from Time to Capacity
Elle Mcbride Elle Mcbride

Shifting from Time to Capacity

In today's fast-paced world, where the relentless tick of the clock often governs our lives, it's easy to feel like you're running on borrowed time. Balancing work, family, and personal pursuits can be a monumental challenge. The traditional approach to work, where success is often measured by the hours you put in, can lead to burnout, stress, and diminishing returns.

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Taking Control: What You Can Change
Elle Mcbride Elle Mcbride

Taking Control: What You Can Change

When it comes to relationships, it's important to remember that you can't change people. However, that doesn't mean you're powerless. In fact, there are plenty of things that you can change in order to take control of your relationships and ensure that they are healthy, fulfilling, and positive. Here are some key areas where you can take control and make a difference.

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The Benefits of Living in Alignment
Elle Mcbride Elle Mcbride

The Benefits of Living in Alignment

We often find ourselves prioritising the opinions and expectations of others over our own needs and desires. But what if we took the time to get to know ourselves on a deeper level? What if we started living from a place of alignment with our true selves?

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Love, Revenge & Peace
Elle Mcbride Elle Mcbride

Love, Revenge & Peace

Healing is a journey, and like all journeys, it comes with its own set of challenges. One of the most challenging aspects of healing is the conflicting emotions that can arise when we confront our past selves. When we begin to heal, we may find that our inner child wants love, our teenage self wants revenge, and our current self wants peace.

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The journey to worthiness is not a linear one
Elle Mcbride Elle Mcbride

The journey to worthiness is not a linear one

The first step on the journey to worthiness is acknowledging that the pain of the past exists. We must allow ourselves to feel our emotions and process our experiences. This can be a difficult and uncomfortable process, but it is essential for healing and growth.

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Cultivating Self-Compassion and Empathy for Others
The Enlighten Co The Enlighten Co

Cultivating Self-Compassion and Empathy for Others

Life is full of challenges and setbacks, and sometimes it can feel like we're constantly on the brink of failure. But what if we reframed these experiences as opportunities for growth and learning? What if we embraced the setbacks and developed the resilience to bounce back stronger than ever before?

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The Importance of Cultivating Internal Self-Worth
Elle Mcbride Elle Mcbride

The Importance of Cultivating Internal Self-Worth

While external factors can contribute to our sense of worth, they are not the sole determinants of our value. In fact, relying solely on external validation can be fleeting and unreliable, leading to feelings of insecurity and dissatisfaction.

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The Mind's Job
Elle Mcbride Elle Mcbride

The Mind's Job

Have you ever wondered why it can be so hard to break a habit or step out of your comfort zone? Why do we tend to move towards what feels good and avoid pain? The answer lies in how our minds work.

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Why You Can't Heal in a Toxic Environment
Elle Mcbride Elle Mcbride

Why You Can't Heal in a Toxic Environment

Healing is a journey that takes time, effort, and a supportive environment. Unfortunately, sometimes we find ourselves in environments that are anything but supportive, and instead, are downright toxic. Whether it's a difficult work environment, a toxic relationship, or an unhealthy home situation, trying to heal in these circumstances can be extremely challenging, if not impossible.

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5 Reasons a Retreat is a wise Investment
Elle Mcbride Elle Mcbride

5 Reasons a Retreat is a wise Investment

Investing in yourself is one of the best decisions you can make. By investing in yourself, you're making a commitment to your own growth, well-being, and happiness. One of the best ways to invest in yourself is by attending a transformative retreat, such as the Reconnect Retreat.

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12 Ways to Handle Stress with ease
Elle Mcbride Elle Mcbride

12 Ways to Handle Stress with ease

Stress is a common and natural response to the challenges of life, but it can also have negative effects on our mental and physical health if left unaddressed. The good news is that there are many effective ways to manage and reduce stress in our lives. Here are 12 strategies you can use to handle stress and live a healthier, happier life.

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